Dear Readers,
I apologize for being silent for so long. I was in process of writing a follow-up to “Rock of Offense” when my pastor shared a book called The Bait of Satan. I recommend this book highly and offer a very brief summary that describes Mr. Bevere’s approach to this vital subject . I do not intend this to be a formal book review, this book is already a big bestseller and more importantly, a blessing to all who read it and heed its wisdom. I hope to soon add another offering on offense as well as regular new content. Thanks for coming by and please, drop a line to let me know that you are being blessed by these humble words.
Guy Hayes
John Bevere’s bestseller, The Bait of Satan is an extraordinary, anointed writing that provides a comprehensive definition of Offense as described and alluded to by Jesus the Christ. Mr. Bevere walks his readers through a set of definitions that shape what offense is. He describes the love of God and Christ’s expectations of what love should be in a believer’s life.
He then describes and adds illustrations both personal and biblical about what offense is. These descriptions provide clarity and depth to the definitions providing further insight on how offense has taken a toll on the church and those who have become disenchanted with the church due to offense.
One of the unforeseen strengths of the book are the many biblical truths Mr. Bevere uncovers and expounds upon throughout the text. His assertion that the revealed [Rhema] word is the rock of foundation upon which Christ’s church is built is at once eye-opening and compelling. With that fact as a premise, he then goes about describing how Christ’s Parable of the Sower accurately describes the ongoing state of immature believers being offended and the sad state of believers whose journey is being destroyed [or shaken] through offense.
Finally, he asserts that each believer needs to understand the importance of forgiveness, and the need to avoid offense with diligence. We must be ready to help reconcile those who don’t know the Lord as well as make sure our ongoing reconciliation remains secure.