Category Archives: throne

High and Lifted Up

Illustration by Krail1

I would desire that every believer get a revelation of Isaiah 6:1-7.  Isaiah writes that he received a vision. He saw the LORD sitting on a throne high and exalted and the train of his robe filled the most holy place.

He explained that he received the vision after King Uzziah died.  King Uzziah began his reign with sincere dedication to the things of God; re-constructing towers and wall and building wells for agriculture and livestock. Overtime, however, things changed.  Uzziah became the poster child for being self-serving and self-centered. Shortly thereafter, Uzziah became lifted up with pride and as a result was struck with  leprosy.

The death of King Uzziah is a direct reference to coming believers committing themselves completely to God and and divesting from their personal interests.  Let me be clear, God wants us to be our own unique selves humble and full of affection for others.  He does not want us to let ambition, desire(s), or greed be the motivating factor for our lives.  “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but of the world. [1John 2:16]

One of my favorite verses is Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself also in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” [NKJV] As we become more in tune with Him, he helps shape our desires so that we learn to appreciate genuine good things and slow our desires for worldly things,  He changes us and then we become free.

 As long as I am on the throne, king of my realm, un-accountable to any other,  I cannot see His glory.  He is not revealed, I am blinded to the things of God.  If I still sit as King and Dictator of my life and actions, how can Christ be King?.  

The degree to which I am able to free myself from my way of thinking, reacting and submerge myself into an urgent dependency upon God in a daily submission process

is the degree to which I become free.  Then only am I free to be of service to others.