The Lord will also begin to teach you the futility of earthly thinking and the transience of fearfulness. The just will live by faith means that faith provides the balance when emotion has one off keel. Our God has the absolute advantage of context spanning eternity past and full understanding of the future. He is not surprised or overwhelmed by the events we experience; but he has compassion for our problems and pain.
As we learn and begin to conform our will with His, He allows those events and circumstances to shape our character. He teaches obedience and tests it. That is why the process takes so long. Our goals is to be conformed to the image of Christ -> mind, will and emotions to save the soul.
The physical body is redeemed on the “Day of the Lord”. I Thessalonians 5:12 The Apostle Paul provides narrative delineating the natural and the spiritual and names the order of their appearance. He clarifies that we have the natural state and the image of the man of dust, we shall soon have the image of the man from heaven. The transformation will take place in an instant.
We are in the state of change, our soul salvation is the only part of the transformation that we have any control over. “Wherefore my beloved . . . work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” Philippians 2:12