It does boggle the mind. As humans, we personify everything. It’s what we do. We have turtles who are human teenage ninjas, there’s a man in the moon, nature is a maternal female. We personify God and as any who studies Gestalt Psychology will tell you, the God we create is a projection of who we think He is. Who we think God is clearly identifies whether we are speaking of the God of the Holy Bible or a god of our own making. Some people have limited knowledge of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, or as He made himself known later, Jesus the Christ.
I never considered that God thought of me personally. I remember as a child saying prayers each night and singing “Jesus on the Main Line” in church. We personify [assign human qualities] God as a phone operator, a delivery boy or even Santa Claus. Obviously, He is neither.
Have you ever considered that He thinks about you? Psalm 40:5 says ” Thou hast increased, O LORD my God, thy wonderful works which thou hast done and thy thoughts regarding us; they are beyond our ability to express, declare, or speak; they cannot be told..[Jubilee]” His thoughts about us are so many and so extravagant that they cannot be expressed!! The author of the universe not only thinks of me but has many wonderful thoughts of me!! How could I ever care what any person has to say about me?
Jeremiah 1:5 says “I knew you before I formed you”, He thinks of you when you’re in trouble, comforts you when challenged. He knows the plans He has for us and our future. (Jer. 29:11) All this and yet he still gives us spouses and children for fellowship, companionship and pleasure. He meets all of your needs, protects us, guides us. He asks that we get personal with Him. What do you think of that?